USS Pacifica NCC-72545

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Crew Roster Changes - Round One

Posted on Sat Jul 28th, 2007 @ 3:25pm by Captain Daniel Butterworth

Hi everyone,

I mentioned a couple of days ago that I would be doing a clean up of the ship\'s roster and remove some of the dead weight that we have been carrying with us for some time now. This is the one job that I hate doing as I don\'t like having to remove players from our game, especially players who have been with us for some time. Unfortunately it is something that needs to be done, so with a great deal of regret I announce that the following players have been removed from the Pacifica.

Ensign Andre Belanger - Medical Officer
Lieutenant JG Lance Grex - Chief Security & Tactical Officer
Lieutenant Akaris Venn - Chief Intelligence Officer & Second XO.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the above members for being apart of the Pacifica\'s family over the past couple of years and I wish them all the best in their future endeavours. It is my hope that we will see them again one day back on the Pacifica as they are always welcome to rejoin our ranks.

Thank you.

Commodore Daniel Butterworth
Commanding Officer
USS Pacifica NCC-72545
\"Join the Adventure Today!\"
Task Force Chief of Staff
Task Force 72
Bravo Fleet
\"The Prime Directive is not just a set of rules. It is a philosophy and a very correct one. History has proved again and again that whenever mankind interferes with a less developed civilisation, no matter how well intentioned that interference may be, the results are invariably disastrous.\"
Captain Jean-Luc Picard.

“If the cause is just and honourable, they are prepared to give their lives. Are you prepared to die today?”
Captain Jean-Luc Picard


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