Jules Octavian Cesarian

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Jules Cesarian
Biographical information
Homeworld Magna Roma
Species Magna Roman
Gender Male
Age 49
Physical description
Height 6' 4"
Weight 235 lbs
Hair color Black
Eye color Deep Blue
Political Information
Affiliation United Federation of Planets & Magna Roman
Current Location USS Pacifica
Profession Trade Ambassador of Magna Roma
Played By NPC created by Stephen Jacobs

NPC Civilian

General Information

Name: Jules Octavian Cesarian

Rank: Civilian

Position: Trade Ambassador of Magna Roma.

Post: USS Pacifica

Species: Magna Roman

Gender: Male

Age: 49

Physical Appearance

Height: 6' 4"

Weight: 235 lbs

Hair Colour: Short - black

Eye Colour: Deep Blue


Magna Roman's are in almost all senses human. Jules has short-cropped black hair he has a heavy set build and looks like he could single handedly pull an ox cart.

Personality & Traits

General Overview:

Jules Cesarian is the son of a Roman Senator and he has no quarrels about letting you know it. Jules can be a flamboyant womanizer when he so chooses, he also has no trouble drinking in large quanities.

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Jules is a flamboyant show off, he likes to wear loud clothes and is always looking for a new lady to hang on his arm.


Jules has no real ambitions, many in the Roman Senate believe that Jules will step into his father's position when the time comes.

Hobbies and Interests:

Drinking, women and having fun.


Federation Standard, Latin


Father: Roman Senator Maximilian Arturos Cesarian

Mother: Lady Elifornia

Siblings: 5 brothers 2 sisters, his younder brother is Marcus Cesarian Chief Science Officer of the USS Pacfica.

Martial Status: Single


Marcus was born August 13th 2333 in Rome, Magna Roma. Jules spent his early years growing up in Aristocratic Schools in late 2378 he was appointed as a Trade Ambassador, after having served several years on the Trade Council. Jules is currently visiting his brother Marcus and is staying as a guest aboard the USS Pacifica. Jules has developed a relationship with a member of the Typhon Terraforming Team Mary-Ann Storbeck.