USS Pacifica NCC-72545

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Early Action

Posted on Sun Nov 26th, 2006 @ 3:28pm by 2nd Lieutenant Dwayne Triffitt

Mission: Escort
Location: Briefing Room


I sit down looking out at the stars awaiting the arrival of the ship mates.

Triffitt: Commodore Butterworth, ever wanted to see home again, i mean see earth?

Commodore Butterworth: I have but i have all that i need on this ship, this ship is my lief even you should know that Lt triffitt.

Triffitt: Yes but on day would you want to return.

Commodore Butterworth: ...

Triffitt: Commodore Butterworth, is there a place to get a drink around here before the brifing starts?

Commodore Butterworth: Ill have one brang to you.

Commodore Butterworth: this is Commodore Butterworth two drinks to the command room.

there was a girl bring the drinks, tall bark hair\'d girl she walk towurd Lt Triffitt with a smile.

Commodore Butterworth: Oh you must be the new weightrise abord my ship, welcome

young girl: Thank you sir, Here you co Lt.

Triffitt: thank you *smiling at the young one*.

the young girl had a look about her with a sence of evil, i didnt know what but there was something wrong about this girl that got my gut saying watch her.

Commodore Butterworth: Thnak you for the drink?... i didnt catch youre name:

young girl: My name...My name is...Lisa...

I looked away from the Commodore and Lisa, Looking into the stars thinking of home, about to take a sip of my drink and then i hear a glass smash to the ground...the Commodore had fanted...and then girl was gone...

Triffitt: Commodore Wake up Commodore.

I run out the the brifing room and into the hall the girl was nowhere to be seen...

Triffitt: *intercom...medik fast the Commodore is down i repet the Commodore is down.

Man i suck at these posts :P:P


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