USS Pacifica NCC-72545

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Arriving at DS9

Posted on Sun Nov 26th, 2006 @ 3:31pm by Commander Evan Ottaway

Mission: Escort
Location: Bridge USS Pacifica



Evan was glad that he was acting XO. It would be interesting. He would have to
get used to not having a position to sit in and do things. His main job was to
stand around making sure nothing happened and ordering people around.

Evan: Helmsman, how long until we reach DS9?

Helm: Approx four hours sir.

Evan: Thank you ensign.

Evan had nothing to do. Luke was off the bridge and ordered him to let him know
when they arrived which means that for the next four hours Evan had to sit on
the bridge. Hooray! Not.

~~~Four hours later~~~

Helm: Sir we are approaching DS9. They are hailing us.

Evan: On screen. Inform the Cmdr.

Helm: Yes sir.

A picture of an Officer came up. Evan didn\'t recognise them from anywhere.

Officer: Starship, state your business.

At that moment Evans walked onto the bridge.

Luke: Captain, I am the acting commanding officer of the USS Pacifica. We have
orders to pick up and transport a diplomatic team. Do we have permission to

Officer: Certainly. Docking bay 3 is free.

Luke: Evans out.

Evan looked at Luke. He seemed a little nervous but probably not as much as
Evna himself felt.

Luke: ;;to the helmsman;; Bring us in nice and easy ensign.

Helm: yes sir.

Evan watched as the ensign brought the Pacifica into the docking bay. A good
effort for a beginner.

Evan: Well done ensign.

Helm: Thank you sir.

Evan turned to Luke.

Evan: Whats the procedure for getting this team aboard Commander?


Cmdr Evan Ottaway
Acting XO
USS Pacifica


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