USS Pacifica NCC-72545

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Left Behind

Posted on Sun Nov 26th, 2006 @ 4:23pm by 2nd Lieutenant Su\'rek

Mission: Escort
Location: Shuttlecraft

OFF: How rude! My shuttle will take ages to catch up!


< Type-IX Shuttle >

Su\'rek watched as the Pacifica went to warp, leaving him stuck with a bunch
of bad guys is bad-a$$ ships. He powered down his shuttle in the hopes that
they other ships would soon leave without seeing him.

< 20 minutes later >

With the other ships leaving the area, Su\'rek powered up his shuttle and
tracked the Pacifica\'s warp trail to the Talos System. He skipped out of the
system at impulse and then went to high warp.


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2 Lt Su\'rek
Marine XO
USS Pacifica


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