USS Pacifica NCC-72545

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Calling for Calm

Posted on Sun Nov 26th, 2006 @ 4:26pm by Commander Connie Butterworth

Mission: Escort
Location: Sickbay USS Pacifica


~~~Sickbay USS Pacifica~~~

Connie stood in her office thinking to herself she had no problem with
stepping upto the plate and taking up the position of acting XO but she did
have a small problem with Commander Evans being placed in the brig. She
didn\'t think that it was the best spot for him he wasn\'t a crimial not by a
long shot. She thought it would be a good idea to take it up with Commander

She turned around and walked out into sickbay and across the room to where
Lanish was finishing up with the patient, her assistant looked up at her as
she approached.

Morgan: I\'m going to required on the bridge for the next few days your going
to be in charge down here.

Lanesh: ;;confused;; Why?

Morgan: There\'s been a change in command Commander Ottaway wants me to sit
in as acting XO.

Lanesh: What happened?

Morgan: It\'s touchy I don\'t want to go into any details if you need me I\'ll
be on the bridge.

Lanesh: ;;sighs;; Alright

As Connie headed out of sickbay a females voice filled the hall over the

Hart: ;;over comm;; All Senior Crew please report to the briefing room.

Connie continued on her way to the turbolift and pressed the button for deck
1, the turbolift arrived moments later she stepped out on to the bridge. The
senior crew members that were on the bridge were beginning to make their way
to the briefing room. She noticed Commander Ottaway looking over the
operations station.

Morgan: Commander,

Ottaway: ;;looks over his shoulder;; Yes Doctor.

Morgan: Can I have a quick word in private,

Ottaway: Sure,

The Commander headed to the captain\'s ready room Connie followed close
behind him, once inside the office he turned around to look at her.

Ottaway: What did you want to talk about?

Morgan: It\'s about Commander Evans,

Ottaway: Yes what about him?

Morgan: I don\'t think he should be in the brig sir, he is not a criminal.

Ottaway: He did resist Doctor.

Morgan: Still he shouldn\'t have been threatened with security guards anyway.

Ottaway: What are you suggesting.

Morgan: His quarters confine him to quarters that is what normally happenes
it should be any different here.

Ottaway: Very well +Taps+ Ottaway to Lt Williams,

Williams: Williams here sir

Ottaway: Can you please confine Commander Evans to his quarters,

Williams: Yes sir.

Ottaway: Good Ottaway out ;;looks at the Doctor;; You going to take up the
position as acting XO?

Morgan: Yes

Ottaway: Good we got a briefing to get along to.

OFF: Yikes isn\'t this getting a bit too far.

Dr Connie Morgan (LtCmdr)
Chief Medical Officer
USS Pacifica


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