USS Pacifica NCC-72545

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Hurt Again

Posted on Sun Nov 26th, 2006 @ 4:33pm by Lieutenant Chris Johnson

Mission: Escort
Location: Jadda\'s


Chris lay upside down on the bar tenders side of the bar, he was hurt but
doing okay. Glass is implanted in his back, but he\'d been use to getting

Jason;;helping him up;; Dude, every time i see you your always hurt or
getting hurt, what up with that?

Chris: I think I\'m cursed!

Jason: cursed?

Chris: I read it in a book once. Then again I think the Vulcans did it to

Jason: Vulcans? I think if one of them was here right now, he\'d be laughing
at you!

Chris: It\'s true, well I think it is, don\'t know these days.

Jason had helped Chris up and showed him back to this seat, Chris sat down
and put his hand on his cup.

Chris: It least this didn\'t get smashed.

chris looked at the glass then drank from it. The drink was just plain
orange juice. One of chris\' favourite drinks. For some reason Chris\' back
felt itchy so he scratched it.

Chris;;screaming in pain;; My cut back forgot about that!

Jason;;looking at him funny;; dude there\'s glass sticking out of your back,
how can you forget about that?

Chris: My brains a little slow.

Jason: Need some help getting to sick bay?

Chris: Hey, i\'ve far worst injurys than this, so i\'ll be okay

Chris got up and slowly walked out of the ten forward, outside waiting for
him was Suzi arms crossed, with an angry look on her face.

Chris: Epp...


Lt Chris Johnson
Chief Helmsman
USS Pacifica


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