USS Pacifica NCC-72545

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Posted on Sun Nov 26th, 2006 @ 4:36pm by Commander Evan Ottaway

Mission: Escort
Location: Bridge USS Pacifica


Evan walked back onto the bridge. He heard Ms Hart say that Evans had been

Evan: Thats good. We won\'t try to put him in the brig this time. Put two
seurity officers at on the bridge and let Evans roam. This is the only place he
can\'t come.

Mel\'pek: It shall be done.

Evan: Helmsman, how long until we reach Talos?

Helm: Not long sir, probably only another two hours.

Evan: Put us up to max warp so we can get there all the quicker.

Helm: Ye sir. it should only take us 1.5 hrs.

Evan: Alright.

~~~1.5 hours later~~~

Helm: Sir we approaching Talos. Their space port is hailing us.

Evan: On screen.

The image of a human started to appear on the screen. Evan noticed it straight

Evan: Commodore Butterworth, why are you on Talos?

Daniel: This is where I came. I got away from it all. I trust that all is
good on my ship?

Evan: Well... We\'ve had a few problems. I\'ll give you a full report when we

Daniel: Affirmitaive. You and Cmdr Evans Beam down with the diplomatic team.

Evan: I will sir but Cmdr Evans is currently detained. I will explain when I

Daniel: See you soon Cmdr. Butterwroth out.

Evan turned toward the helmsman.

Evan: Ensign, bring us into orbit.

Helm: Yes sir.

Evan turned around to Sarah Portman.

Evan: If you would care to doctor, please assemble your team and be ready for

Sarah: Thank you Cmdr.

The doctor walked off the bridge

Evan: Mr Mel\'pek you have the bridge while I am on Talos. I will also be
taking Dr Morgan.

Mel\'pek: Yes sir.

Evan walked off the bridge.

Evan: Medical deck.

The turbolift zoomed to the deck that Evan wanted to go. The doors opened with
a whoosh. Evan stepped out. He headed toward the sick bay. Connie was in her
office. She looked up when he walked in.

Connie: How can I help you Cmdr?

Evan: We have arrived at Talos. The Commodore is there. He has requested that
Cmdr Evans and I proceed to the surface with the team. In view of the
circumstances I think it would be wise if you come down. Cmdr EVnas is
obviously not coming.

Connie: Sure.

The two walked out of the sickbay.

Connie: Lanesh I have to go to the surface. Make sure nothing goes wrong.

Lanesh: Yes maam.

The two of them wlaked into the turbolift.

Connie: So what are you going to tel the Commodoore?

Evan: I don\'t really know yet. I hope that you could help with that.

Connie: I\'ll try but I wasn\'t on the bridge.

Evan: Yeah I know.

The turbolift arrived at a deck that had the transporter rooms. They headed for
Bay One. The team was waitingfor them.

Evan: We are accompanying you to the surface. Do you have the coordinates

Chief: Ready sir.

Evan: Beam us down.

The team disappeared. Within seconds they were on a planet. Evan picked out

Evan: Commodoore.


Cmdr Evan Ottaway
Acting XO
USS Pacifica


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