USS Pacifica NCC-72545

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The CO Returns

Posted on Sun Nov 26th, 2006 @ 4:37pm by Commander Evan Ottaway

Mission: Escort
Location: Bridge USS Pacifica


Evan beamed back to transporter room one. The doctor was standing next to him.
The chief was there.

Chief: Sir, where is Commodoore Butterworth?

Evan: You forgot that he has his yacht. He will be docking in a few minutes.
;;turning to Connie;; I suppose you can go back to sickbay now that Daneil is
coming back.

Connie: That I shall do. Thank you.

Evan walked out of the room and headed toward to the turbolift.

Evan: ~~~Comm~~~ Ottaway to bridge prepare for the Commodoores return. Inform
Cmdr Evans that he is to be in the ready room when Butterworth gets back.

Bridge: Yes sir.

Evan stepped into the turbolift and headed for the bridge. He was there in

Mel\'pek: When is the Commodoore due back sir?

Evan: He should be docking within the next few minutes.

Francine: We\'ve got the yacht on our scanners sir.

Evan: Bring him in.

~~~Three minutes later~~~

Daniel walked straight through the bridge.

Daniel: You still have the bridge Cmdr.

Evan: Yes sir.


Cmdr Evan Ottaway
USS Pacifica



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