USS Pacifica NCC-72545

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First Down Time

Posted on Sun Nov 26th, 2006 @ 4:40pm by Lieutenant Commander Francine Hart

Mission: Escort
Location: Jadda\'s


(Turbolift USS Pacifica)

Francine was off to the ship\'s lounge to enjoy her first free time that she had received since she had joined the ship. The past few days had really taken the toll on her, she wasn\'t expecting her first few days on the ship to be this hectic. The lift came to a stop and she walked out as the doors opened. She continued on down the hall and after checking with the computer twice she found the ship\'s lounge.

She entered the lounge to find it not very crowded, there were a few different officer\'s sitting at the tables and one at the bar she remembered him from the bridge it was Lt Johnson the helmsman, he was busy talking to the barman behind the bar. She walked up to the bar and took a seat on a vacent stool. The waiter looked over at her then excused himself from Lt Johnson to serve her.

Barman: Can I help you?

Francine: Ah yes please could I just have a hot coffee please two sugars no milk.

Barman: Coming right up.


Ensign Francine Hart
Operations Officer
USS Pacifica
Bravo Fleet

BF Stuff:


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