Permitted Species List
The species you chose will have a profound effect on every aspect of your character, your name, your social skills, your behaviour, etc. It's best to choose one you are familiar with, rather than a species you have seen once in the show and kind of liked. The easiest species to play is understandably a human. But many players go with other more "popular" species such as Betazoids, Vulcans, Trill, and Bajoran.
There are however some species or "beings" that we do not allow: Q, Androids, Changelings, Borg (former or otherwise) Thasian, Prophet/Pah-wraith (former or otherwise) or Organian. Other sorts of power or other such powerful or unique species are rarely if ever allowed.
Such species also give rise to the biggest problem a role playing game can encounter, the "superhero syndrome". Even Betazoids can lead to this, so be wary about how you portray your chosen species. But, if you feel you have a genuinely unique explanation that would allow you to play such a character, then give it a try. What's the worst thing that can happen? Your instructor will advise you to re-write your biography. It's worth a go if you really have a desire to portray that particular species. One popular character people tend to pick is a cross-breed. These characters can often be very interesting to play, and offer a variety of unique experience. However you need to keep the following points in mind:
(1) Is it likely or possible that your characters parents would mate to produce you? The Bajoran occupation only ended 2369, it would be unusual to have a 20 year old Klingon/Bajoran without a good explanation detailing how this happened.
(2) Will this multi-heritage give you abilities that could be considered superhuman, and lead to a problem with superhero syndrome? Would your multi heritage give you the ability to do unexpected things? It's no fun role playing if one player hogs all the action with one character who can accomplish everything, when three could have accomplished the same task, and allowed interaction and development. Deanna Troi is a fine example of a multi heritage individual, Human and Betazoid. Her empathic ability is not as powerful as that of her mother, her human genetic structure has hindered it. Remember, a multi heritage can have a negative as well as a positive effect on you.
(3) Can you keep up with all these heritages? Many people have attempted characters with mixed heritage, and have had difficulty portraying them accurately. If you are unable to portray your character, it makes things much more complicated for others to do so. It can even result in players not interacting with you.
(4) Consider special talents of some species, such as the Betazoids mind-reading, Klingon strength, or Vulcan intelligence. Over use of such abilities, or performing tasks with those abilities that are unrealistic not only hampers other players ability to get involved with your character, but can easily create a superhero style situation which is very undesirable. It is often more enjoyable to deal with the lack of skills your character has than to mis-use those you do.
The following cross-breeds will be permitted as cross-species breeding is either directly established in canon or some biological compatibility has been established:
- Human/Vulcan
- Human/Betazoid
- Human/Klingon
- Human/Romulan
- Human/Bajoran
- Cardassian/Bajoran
- Vulcan/Romulan
- Romulan/Klingon
- Cardassian/Human
It is doubtful that certain species will be able to breed outside of their race, for example: Bolians, Benzites, Trill, Caitians and Andorains. Should you have a question relating to what cross breeds are appropriate, or any other biography issues, please contact the Commanding Officer.