Taylor Mitchell

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Taylor Mitchel
Biographical information
Homeworld Betazed
Species 1/2 Human 1/2 Betazoid
Gender Male
Physical description
Height 6' 7"
Weight 277 lbs
Hair color Black
Eye color Black
Political Information
Affiliation United Federation of Planets
Posting USS Pacifica
Position Marine Detachment Commander & Starflighter Wing Commander
Rank M-G-O-2.png
Played By Ascendant

Basic Overview In and Out of Character


The USS Pacifica has been Taylor's first Starfleet posting as opposed to the Marine-run ships and stations he had previously served on. As far as most of the crew knew though Taylor had been fresh out of the Academy when he was invited onboard; This was because of the many high profile kills he had made as an alias-referred marine-sniper in the corps and the danger he might have posed as a target himself if he remained near the border and the various splinter groups left over by the war. He still tends to avoid the area and Cardassians in general after some of the events he suffered whilst under capture. He was granted a fresh start after the Dominion War which he was glad to receive and picked his posting on the Pacifica out of a list of five possible hopefuls mainly because of her size and moderate space for career advancement.

Due to his ambition and aspirations after his education at Starflet Academy San Fransisco Taylor went on to take a marine qualification course for 18 months. He received high grades in most subjects at Starfleet Academy but excelled in all his practical subjects at the Marine Academy and achieved many honors and commendations in all courses relating to flight. Taylor is an extremely accomplished pilot and a proud soldier and although he hasn't really shown it Taylor enjoys his posting on the USS Pacifica without showing any apparent will to leave. He joined as a Strategic Operations Consultant but was quickly dissatisifed with this position and switched back to the Marine Corps resuming his old rank as Second Lieutenant.



I'm the Ascendant, I play Taylor Mitchel and I am very proud to hold my position on the Pacifica; despite the lack of responsibility in my current posting. I am enjoying it the ship has a brilliant atmosphere and a great crew and we have a lot of fun roleplaying together; I would definately recommend the Pacifica to prospective members new or old. Roleplayers this is definately the place to be.

General Information

Name: Taylor Mitchel

Rank: First Lieutenant

Position: Deputy Marine Detachment Commander & Marine Starfighter Element Commander

Species: 1/2 Human 1/2 Betazoid

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Languages: English; advanced Klingon; fluent Romulan; standard Vulcan; Federation Standard

Physical Appearance

Height: 6' 7"

Weight: 277 lbs

Hair Colour: Black

Eye Colour: Black


As Taylor works out regularly sometimes too much he is quite an intimidating figure - not what you'd expect from a Betazoid. At 6' 7" Taylor's not the kind of guy you'd want to get in a fight with. He has long dark hair, casting eerie shadows on his face a powerful build and broad shoulders making him a fearsome person particularly to those that don't know him.

Personality & Traits

General Overview: Taylor has never felt that he trully fits anywhere and as a result he drifted through his childhood and early life without forming many emotional bonds. Those things that he did feel for were usually held in a negative light and those people that he attached to are all long gone leaving a perfect soldier without concern for himself only the greater good of the many. Mitchel has found it hard to make friends throughout his life mainly because of the natural human nature he so dispises that most Betazoid's ignore in favour of the kind front the human race present. Taylor would rather withdraw into himself than outwardly express rage however he has learned well the instance in which rage is neccessary - combat. He can be found on the holodeck for hours at a time fighting, practicing, improving constantly. He also enjoys a high level of independance sooner living in pain than asking for medical assistance and some would rather leave him that way due to an inward intensity of avoidance that acts to maintain a large area of personal space around him.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Taylor's main strengths are his endless physical endurance and high threshold for pain but although they remain undeveloped his telepathic abilities are a major strength to him. He has so far only begun to explore these abilities but he already doesn't like what he is seeing in his human crewmates. Taylor's mother was a member of one of the higher caste families forbidden from procreating with offworlders meaning that their bloodline was unpolluted far back into time, this makes his betazoid geneomes affects stronger and his telepathy more potent. Has little faith in the human nature, he can sense and feel his inward madness at thoughts not his own are his main weaknesses.


Taylor doesn't seem to have any ambitions, other than those linked in with starfleet; for now though Taylor seems contented with where he is and only wants to become the best marine he can be.

Hobbies and Interests:

Taylor's main interests are the many martial arts performed around the galaxy. He has mastered over 23 alien fighting arts and can be counted on to defeat pretty much any opponent in close combat. He is an accomplised warrior with the klingon bat'leth blade and practices often on the holodeck. In what's left of his spare time taylor enjoys Ancient Earth Thrash Doom, Death and Heavy metal, in particular the 21st century bands Metallica, Machine Head and Korn.


Father: Kurtis Jerald (missing)

Mother: Leasanna Hertman (deceased)

Siblings: -None-

Spouse: -None-

Children: -None-

Other Family: unknown; Taylor has no known living family or relatives.

Martial Status: single


Family History

Taylor's mother, Leasanna Hertman, bore the child of Jethro Tayne, a Starfleet marine pilot, on Betazed. As the daughter of the Betazed ambassador, the illegitemate child was an embarrissment and he was immediately sent into hiding. He lived on Betazed through his early life as the 3rd son of a family of servants, where he was given the name "Taylor Mitchell". He lived with his mother and her family, first in their home in the Piri Islands, and later in her father's summer retreat by Lake Catoria (both on Betazed), before being orphaned on Earth after Leasanna's death.

Jethro Tayne resigned his commission to Starfleet security and had, by this point left for the outskirts of the Federation to pursue his fortune in piracy; however, he returned to betazed to claim Taylor at the age of 7. He kidnapped Mitchell's mother in an attempt to get her to divulge his location, but she was killed after a firefight erupted when Tayne was pursued by Starfleet security. The Federation patrol ship "Infallible" was lost with all hands and the attack ship "Rebellious" was also crippled.

Tayne managed to make it beyond Federation juristiction and is believed to have rejoined pirate operations in the outlying sectors. To this day, both Tayne's whereabouts and whether he managed to get the information he required in order to locate his son, are unknown. He has also been number 337 on the Federation wanted list for over 15 years.

Personal History

When his mother was kidnapped by his father, Taylor was rushed to his grandparents house overlooking Lake Catoria. They had visited the Lake house every summer for as long as Mitchell could remember, but the water had seemed unusually still that day - or what a 12 year old would consider unusual. Taylor hadn't understood why his mother had disappeared, or why everyone had seemed so upset until many years later. Mitchell's mother had believed in equality, which is why even the servants of the house were watching and waiting for news; noone disliked Leasanna.

After the incident, everyone had been very upset. Taylor was kept on Betazed a few weeks to ensure his safety, and then the Ambassador had two of his aides deliver Taylor to be orphaned on Earth. Mitchell had to use a different name, and found it difficult to communicate with anyone besides Saavk because he was so used to telepathy; this meant that Mitchell did not make many friends. As a teenager, Taylor got in many fights and became determined to come out on top. He found himself practising martial arts with Saavk every day and then, eventually, on his own.

Mitchell, fascinated with the art of fighting, was a weapon; he was now only looking for an opportunity to strike back at a world that had offered him nothing. Such an opportunity didn't take long to present itself. Whenever a new child joined the orphanage, they would be bullied - like a right of passage; this time, a young girl with long brown hair and a stuffed bear clutched tightly to her chest wherever she went. Taylor knew what she would be in for and waited. He didn't care who she was or to warn her of what was coming, just the thrill of winning a victory. He felt like the Klingons he'd read about.

When it came to the fighting, he badly beat 2 of the younger boys, Drake and Malcom. By now his training had meant that he was one of the biggest children in the orphanage, so the others hadn't wanted to fight him anyway, but the girl had been grateful. What difference did it make? Alot, apparently. Mitchell had found himself listening to her speak, then that she listened to him. He had found expressing himself by speech so difficult, because Betazoids would already know how you were feeling, sometimes before you did, but here - here was someone who helped him to express. Knowing Rebecca was like being on Betazed all over again, but better; this time he had someone to share it with.

Saavk fought to hold onto Mitchell, but the consequences never really went away. Drake and Malcom hated Mitchell all the way up until they moved away, but Taylor didn't care. Finally, when the time came for Mitchell to leave the orphanage, he wanted to take Rebecca with him. They had both been friends for many years, yet there had always been the feeling it could be more. She said she would come with him in a year, that she wasn't ready to go yet. She was younger than he was and had another year to go anyway.

Mitchell made use of the time, he traveled to Thailand to feed his love for martial arts by training in the art of Muay Thai. He and Becca stayed in touch via commlink once a week, whilst the rest of the time he spent training and meditating on enlightenment with the monks of "Wat Tham Suwankuha" or "Temple of the Small Forest" in the hills of the remote Nan province to the North. He always said that the views overlooking the Valley of the Nan River reminded him of Rebecca, right up until he returned for her a year later. Despite her impulsive desicion to go with him, they were told that Saavk was terminally ill. As a result, Becca stayed at the orphanage, to help Saavk run the place in his old age. Finally, Taylor left on Saavk's 226th birthday to join Starfleet Academy.

He and Rebecca hardly ever spoke from then on. They met up once or twice, but neither ever knew what to say. Taylor had grown accustomed to his silence again, and Becca felt responsible. She was impressed that he made it through Starfleet Academy and then the Marine Academy too, especially with his temper, and they arranged to meet up when he returned for leave after the incident with the Dominion. She always said he came back a changed man; Taylor had missed out on too much he said, and wanted to make amends. This monumental step forward for Mitchell, however, was a false one. When he returned to Earth, to the same café that they always met in, Taylor met Rebecca's fioncé.

Starfleet Career

Taylor began his Starfleet Career with his posting on the Marine Special Operations Starbase Alpha four-niner, a small, obscure, Marine-run starbase situated on the outer fringes of the Federation, near the Cardassian border. The base itself, fabled by those marines overlooked for placement there, ran black ops intelligence gathering operations deep into former Cardassian territory during the war. Mitchell was posted there as a junior operator as soon as he left Earth in December 2377.

Taylor participated in an inter-species cultural development program encouraged by the Starfeet Inter-cultural board during their drive for better relations with future Federation candidates in early 2379, where he joined a tribe of Salish Indian nomads in the mountains of their homeworld. Here he honed wilderness survival techniques including hunting and tracking, as well as building on relations with the tribespeople of Salish 2 for a total of 8 months.

He was a commendable officer and, after serving as an operational handler for only half a year, by 2379 had been promoted to full operative status. A skilled black ops "spook", Taylor saw many targets laser-painted through Cardassian sensor disruption fields, supporting orbital bombardments and, as a Marine sniper, guiding and covering largescale troop movements. Mitchell, and those who he workied with were often sent deep into enemy territory with no support. For these totally deniable missions, the operatives were alone, outnumbered and "loving every minute of it".

However, the "life" was soon sucked out of his job, as a defected ex-Federation Operative sells out J Squad. On a Routine recon mission on a Dominion base of operations, J Squad are ambused and Taylor is captured along with 2 others. 7 weeks of Cardassian torture ensued, during which Taylor was forced to watch the 2 other captured squadmates brutally executed. Eventually Mitchell was rescued by the other members of J Squad, Thrax and Drazon, and reinforcements; it later transpired that he and the others had told the Cardassians nothing despite the ordeal and the planet was soon rid of Dominion troops.

Mitchell served as a spook on the station for a total of 3 years, and was stationed there for the closing stages of the Dominion war. He exelled at his work, and stayed on as others were reassigned from the station after the war, continuing to develop skills he would later take with him to the Pacifica. Finally the UFP decided that the Cardassian threat was so limited that Alpha four-niner was an uneccessary diversion of resources, reassigning the remaining personel and decomissioning the station. Taylor has seen little of his friends from the station since they went their separate ways in 2381.

Taylor took up a new assignment on the Pacifica, a top of the line Sovereign Class starship; transfering to the Starfleet Strategic Operations Division, this because he was convinced that he would be of more value to the vessel as such and his Academy grades had seen him to be more than qualified, he was quickly promoted to head of the department. However, within a few weeks, he had requested to be transferred back to the Marine Corps and into the Flight Wing with his Academy friends Rosanna Fletcher and Schyler Smith, later becoming Wing Commander.

Taylor served this position well for a year before his commanding officer, then Captain Luke Evans, was transferred away. Mitchell assumed the position of Full Detachment Commander shortly from returning from an un-documented "Leave of Abscence". Unofficially, Mitchell's stint AWOL from the Pacifica saw him take a serious injury. The marine's back was broken under several tonns of falling illegal weapons' crates. However, en-transit back to the Pacifica's waiting medical facilities, it is unknown exactly where, he was fused with a gelatinous life form; his DNA was reformed and, for a short while, Taylor was able to mimic shapes and forms and even voices. Was it not for the quick actions of the ship's Chief Medical Officer though, Taylor would not have lived through the reversal of this transformation that was to come.

It was also unknown what state the life form had been in before the joining, but it is assumed that it had been unable to assume solid form of itself. The damage to Taylor's body repaired, the alien DNA began to die from Mitchell's body; the process was, in the words of the marine himself, "excruciating" but, due to the quick action of the Pacifica's Chief Medical Officer, Mitchell's life was saved in time to make a full recovery and rejoin as head of the USS Pacifica's Marine Detachment.

Service Record


Starfleet Academy - 4 years - (class of 2370-2374)

Completed a full course with three Level 2 highest citations for exceptional abiliy and one Level 3 commendation (only available in Flight Training courses). Subjects included

>Core Subjects

>Level 2 Advanced Strategic Operations Training

>Advanced Covert Operations/Communications Training

>Level 2 Advanced Black Ops Training --(w/Expansion Module)

>Intelligence Gathering Short course --(to be continued at SFMA)

>Level 2 Advanced Weapons Training course

>Advanced Flight Training --(to be continued at SFMA)

>Special Operations Level 3 Advanced Tactical Flight Training

San Fransisco Aeronautical Display Team - 2 years 7 months - (2373-2375)

>Equivalent Level 4 Advanced Flight Training Expansion course

>Advanced Display Flight Training

>Advanced Formation Flight course

Starfleet Marine Academy - 2 years - (2374-2376) Completed half course with five Level 2 citations and two Equivalent Level 3+ honours. Earned placement in the SFMA EMD Sniper Training course and "Top Gun" Special ACM Training School. Earned distinguished CO's commendation within the Academy in 2376 upon graduating as "a credit to the Academy". 5th place Federation Trained Marksmanship title to this day.

>Core Subjects + Basic Regiment/Discipline Training

>Further Mathematics Expansion Course

>Level 2 Advanced Chemistry and Physics courses

>Level 2 Advanced Marine Weapons Training --(w/ Use of Foreign Weapons Expansion Module)

>Advanced Covert Operations/Covert Operations Control Handling Training course

>Higher Tier Advanced Strategic Operations Division Expansion Module

>Advanced Command course

>Advanced Surgical Insertion (Black Ops only) course

>Level 2 Squad Command course

>Special Unit Command Training

>Higher Tier Physical Endurance Trials

>Operational Oversight short course --(Phased out 2378: replaced with equivalent Operational Oversight full course)

SFMA "Elite Marksmanship Division" - 14 months - (2375-2377) Completed all SFMA Special Marine Marksmanship Training Courses:

>Level 2 Marine Sniper Course: 1st Grade

>"Hawkeye" Equivalent Level 3 Special Marine Marksman Expansion Module

>98% SFMA Target Range Record --(No.5 Starfleet Marksman)

"Top Gun" Special Air Ace ACM Training School; Reno, Nevada - 9 months - (2376-2377)

>Transfer to "Top Gun" Special Air Combat Maneuvering (ACM) course --(Transfer to "Top Gun" SACM course = Equivalent Graduation from all other Starfleet Flight Schools)

>Equivalent Level 5 "Top Gun" ACM course

--- Stardate 237005.06: Taylor Mitchell applies to join Starfleet Academy and is accepted.

Stardate 237305.04: 3rd Year Cadet Taylor Mitchell is asked to join the San Fransisco Air Display team after achieving commendable results in his flight examinations.

Stardate 237406.11: 4th Year SFA Cadet Taylor Mitchell graduates Starfleet Academy and seeks out a position at the SFMA to further better his flight and marksmanship skills.

Stardate 237508.29: 1st year Marine Cadet Mitchell is offered a position with the Elite Marksmanship Division.

Stardate 237603.05: 2nd Year Marine Cadet Taylor Mitchell attains a score of 98% at the EMD training range adding to a celebration of his birthday. Stardate 237607.14: 2nd Year Marine Cadet Mitchell graduates SFMA.

Stardate 237609.02: 2nd Lieutenant Taylor Mitchell attends "Top Gun" Special Air Ace Training School for a 9 month intensive Air Combat Maneuvers short course near Reno, Nevada.

Stardate 237707.22: 2nd Lieutenant Taylor Mitchell graduates "Top Gun" Special Air School with honours.


Stardate 237712.04: 2nd Lieutenant Leaves Earth to his first assignment as a Junior Operational Handler on Alpha Four-Niner Black Ops Station.

Stardate 237803.15: Mitchell takes part in a cultural exchange with the Salish Indian Tribespeople of Salish 2 lasting 8 months, honing wilderness survival, hunting and tracking techniques.

Stardate 237911.18: 2nd Lieutenant Taylor Mitchell is promoted to a full Black Ops Operative and posted with the 5 man team J Squad.

Stardate 238001.27: After only 2 months of service as a full Operative, a traitor caused 3 members of J Squad, including Mitchell, to be captured and tortured for 7 weeks.

Stardate 238111.14: The personel of Alpha four-niner are reassigned, breaking up the remaining members of J Squad. Taylor heads back to Earth before reassignment.


Stardate 238203.18 (200703.18): After assignments off the grid, the now re-comissioned Ensign Taylor Mitchell is assigned to the USS Pacifica Strategic Operations Department.

Stardate 238203.19 (200703.19): Ensign Taylor Mitchell is promoted to Chief of Strategic Operations.

Stardate 238204.28 (200704.28): Ensign Taylor Mitchell becomes Second Lieutenant Taylor Mitchell when he transfers back to the SFMC to command of USS Pacifica Marine Starfighter Wing.

Stardate 238402.28 (200802.28): Second Lieutenant Taylor Mitchell is promoted to the rank of First Lieutenant in a private presentation by Commodore Daniel Butterworth.

Stardate 238409.26 (200809.26): First Lieutenant Taylor Mitchell is reported Absent Without Leave, remaining so for 3 weeks. However, his Commanding Officer later reported that he may have been under the influence of an alien being.

Stardate 238410.12 (200810.12): (Still Absent) First Lieutenant Taylor Mitchell assumes command of the 501st Starfleet Marine Detachment based on the Pacifica, with the departure of his superior, Captain Luke Evans.

Stardate 238501.06 (200901.06): First Lieutenant Taylor Mitchell, still recovering from injuries sustained on leave, officially assumes command of the 501st Marine Battalion, USS Pacifica.

Mission Participation

Total: 7

Character Awards

Sotm.gif Simmer of the Month | TBD

Service.gif Career Service Citation | Awarded in TBD

Improved.jpg The Most Improved Player of the Year Award | TBD

File:Travis hytte.gif The Travis Hytte Memorial Ship's Newcomer of the Month Award | TBD

File:New Recruit The Best New Recruit Award | TBD

File:CO-Award The CO's Commendation |