USS Pacifica NCC-72545

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First Time as Chief Science

Posted on Sun Nov 26th, 2006 @ 3:35pm by Ensign Allran Wal\'naq

Mission: Escort
Location: Briefing Room


Allran walked out of the briefing room, happy. That was going to be the first of many briefs he was sure. But at the moment he was worried. He didn\'t know where he was supposed to go. If he remembered correctly, Lt Harris had a position on the bridge. He would ask. He noticed an officer walking towards the bridge.

Allran: Excuse me sir.

The officer turned around to face him. Allran noticed that the officer had a few pips on his shoulder. He must be a commander.

Commander: Yes ensign?

Allran: Ah, sir, I have recently been promoted to Chief Science Officer after Lt Harriss leave but I am not sure where my post is. Would you be able to inform me?

Commander: Sure thing ensign. Have you been on the ship long? I haven\'t noticed you around.

Allran: No sir, I came on last mission but was transferred as an Alien Anthropolgist so I have been down in the Science deck.

Commander: Ok then. Glad to be promoted I \'m sure.

Allran: yes sir, I just think it a little strange considering I haven\'t been here long. I thought that Crewmen Cassdiy would have taken the position.

Commander: Maybe just luck of the draw.

The two had reached the bridge.

Commander: Your post is over there, behind the captains seat.

Allran: Thank you sir.

Allran watched the Commander. He went and sat in the XO\'s seat.

Allran: You must Cmdr Evans sir.

Commander: No, didn\'t you listen at briefing. The Commodore is going on leave so Evans is commanding this mission. I am the acting XO, Cmdr Ottaway. Usually Chief of Ops and 2nd XO.

Allran: Sorry sir, my mistake.

Allran looked down in awe at the controls in fornt of him. There was certainly a lot. He had a bit of time on his hands so he started learning them. Soon enough an Officer who allran assumed must be Cmdr Evans came onto the bridge.

Evans: The captains away, lets get out of here. Ensign, set a course for DS9 maximum warp.

Ensign at Helm: Yes sir.

Evans: Ottaway you have the bridge.

Allran watched Cmdr Evans until he reached the turbolift. He then turned around.

Ottaway: Ensign how long till we reach our destination?

Ensign at Helm: Four hours sir.

~~~Current time~~~

The four hours that it had taken to get to DS9 were quite useful. Allran got to know all the controls at his station pretty well. He was ready for this mission. He had just watched Cmdr Evans talk with the commanding officer of the station. They were ready to take the team aboard. Allran couldn\'t help but listen. He was going to find the bridge very interesting.

Ottaway: How are we going to get the team aboard sir?

Evans: I suggest that we simply transport them and whatever they have with them and get under way as soon as possible. We\'ll both go over to meet them.

Ottaway: Sounds good. ;;turning to Ops;; Inform the station that we are ready to receive our team.

Ensign at Ops: Yes sir.

Evans turned around.

Evans: Mr Wal\'naq, you have the bridge.

Allran stood speecless as the Acting CO and XO left the bridge. He was in charge of the bridge! This was going to be more fun than he thought.

I hope I didn\'t assume but the captain said that I would be CSO after the other mission ended. Hope I just didn\'t cover too much.

Ensign Allran Wal\'naq
USS Pacifica


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