USS Pacifica NCC-72545

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Meeting the Team

Posted on Sun Nov 26th, 2006 @ 3:37pm by Commander Evan Ottaway

Mission: Escort
Location: Turbolift



Evan: What do you think of this new mission?

Luke: Don\'t know. Have you heard who is part of this group that we\'re picking

Evan: No. I did hear some rumour about the docs mother coming aboard. Thats not true is it?

Luke: Sure is. I haven\'t personally met her but I have heard that shes not the nicest person around.

Evan: She can\'t be that bad can she.

Luke: Don\'t know, ask the doctor, its her mother.

Evan: We\'ll have to wait and see.

The turbolift stopped. The two were quiet until they got to transporter room one. Evans spoke to the ensign on duty.

Luke: ensign, are they ready to beamed aboard?

Ensign: Just waiting for you sir.

Luke: Alright, lets do it.

Evan watched as the imges of five people slowly materialised on the pad. Soon he could pick out two female humans, a male human, one male romulan and one ferengi. The younger of the two human females spoke.

Lady: I am Sarah Portman and this is my diplomatic team. Which one of you is Cmdr Evans?

Luke: I am maam. I am the acting CO while our captain is on leave. This here is Cmdr Ottaway, he\'s the ships acting XO.

Portman and the rest of the team bowed slightly.

Portman: It is a pleasure to meet you both. Let me introduce my team. This here ;;pointing to the other women;; is Dr Morgan. I believe that her daughter serves aboard this ship.

Luke: Yes she does. She is very eager to meet her mother.

Evan noticed that Dr Morgan just smiled at that comment.

Portman: ;;Pointing to the male human;; This is Greg Tau, he is my assistant. ;;to the Romulan;; This is Telek R`Mor a Romulan ambassador, and last but not least ;;to the ferengi;; this is...

Evan heard something but he couldn\'t understand it. Mrs Portman obviously thought that Evans and himself could understand that language but Evan was pretty sure that Luke didn\'t either.

Luke: It is a pleasure to meet you all. If you could just follow us please and we will show you your quarters. Do you have any belongings to beam aboard?

Portman: No, its just us.

Luke: Alright then. Cmdr Ottaway, inform the bridge that we will be leaving at 1400 hours.

Evan: Yes sir.

Evan didn\'t have to go physically up to the bridge but he thought that he had done his job by welcoming the guests. He headed for the turbolift. Someone said something behind him so he turned around. It was the romulan.

Telek: Excuse me sir, but may I accompany you to the bridge? I have never been on a Starfleet vessel before and this is a majestic looking one.

Evan: I don\'t see why not.

Evan waited for the Romulan to catch up and then they headed towards the turbolift together.

Evan: This is your first Starfleet ship? Have you been part of this team for very long?

Telek: Not this team specifically but I have been an ambassador for 12 human years.

Evan: Thats a long time. Do you enjoy it?

Telek: Yes I do, I get to meet all strange kinds of lifeforms wanting to join the federation. Do you enjoy your job?

Evan: Yes I do. We are here.

The two of them stepped out of the turbolift together. Telek looked around in

Telek: This is unbelieveable.

Evan: You could say that. Excuse me for a minute.

Evan headed toward the helm. He noticed that Johnson was there. A little bashed up though.

Evan: What are you doing. You shouldn\'t be at your post looking like that.

Chris: I\'m fine. I take it you didn\'t come for a visit?

Evan: No we are to get away at 1400 hours.

Chris: Coordinates. We can\'t go anywhere if we don\'t know where to go.

Evan: Good point.

Evan didn\'t think about that. He\'d have to ask Luke.

Evan: ;;Comm;; Bridge to Cmdr Evans, where exactly are we headed?

Come on Evans lets get this mission under way. By the way I thought Connie
might want to give her mother a first name.

Cmdr Evan Ottaway
Acting XO
USS Pacifica


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