USS Pacifica NCC-72545

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The Return of Williams

Posted on Sun Nov 26th, 2006 @ 3:38pm by Lieutenant Frank Williams

Mission: Escort
Location: Shuttlecraft


The sound of the impulse engines hummed softly in the shuttle pod. Frank watched as the pod swiftly moved into position to land in the docking bay. The shuttle pod doors seemed welcoming to Frank as they passed through the force field and into the landing position. Frank steeped onto the Pacifica once again after his lengthy shore leave. He looked around the bay then travelled to his quarters.

Frank: Computer, locate the captain.

Computer: The captain in his ready room.

Frank made his way to the ready room and he spied a few familiar faces and he wasn’t to sure but he thought he saw a few Klingons as well.

Captain: Come

Frank entered the ready room an stood to attention.

Frank: Lt Frank Williams reporting.


Lt Frank Williams
Security/tactical Officer
USS Pacifica


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