USS Pacifica NCC-72545

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Meeting Mother

Posted on Sun Nov 26th, 2006 @ 3:43pm by Commander Connie Butterworth

Mission: Escort
Location: Sickbay USS Pacifica


~~~Sickbay USS Pacifica~~~

Lieutenant Commander Connie Morgan walked into sickbay, since she had said her goodbyes to the Commodore, she had spent the past four hours in her quarters tiding the place up, as she knew that her mother was going to pop by sometime or the other.

As she walked into sickbay she noticed her mother had found her way to Sickaby and was talking to the Assistant Chief Medical Officer Lanesh or rather annoying her, Lanesh looked up as Connie entered.

Connie: Mum?

Her mother turned around and smiled at her daughter, before hurring over to other to her. Connie forced a smile onto her face.

Jane: Oh hi Connie, I was looking for you.

Connie: How are you?

Elizabeth: Good good, how about you.

Connie: Me.. I\'m fine.

Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Lanesh sneak out of the room, in a bid to excuse herself from any further conversations with her mum.

Connie: How\'s dad?

Elizabeth: He\'s good he expressed his desire to come along on the trip but his work kept him at home. But he told me to pass on his love to you.

Connie nodded her head and lead her mum to the confines of her office where she could talk more privately with her mother, once inside her office her mother quickly exaimed everything and after about four minutes she seemed satisfied with the layout of the office.

Connie: So have you heard from Kelly lately?

Elizabeth: Um no. Not since she transferred to the Iowa.

Connie: She said to me that she hasn\'t been able to reach you over the past weeks.

Elizabeth: Wouldn\'t surprise me I\'ve been rather busy.

Connie: Yeah well she\'s going good she says she that she has settled in well.

Elizabeth: Good to hear I will try and get in touch with her if I get some free time over the next few days. By the way I was abit disappointed that I won\'t be able to meet your Captain while I\'m here.

Connie: Oh he needed some time off, he had been rather busy for a while and needed a break.

Elizabeth: Oh what a shame do you know where he went?

Connie: Not sure, he didn\'t really say.

Elizabeth: ;;shakes her head;; Alright then, so how are things between you two?

Connie: ;;surprised by the question;; Huh what do you mean?

Elizabeth: Well, I gathered from what you were saying last time when we spoke that you were, kind of interested in him

Connie: Mum.

Elizabeth: What? it\'s a mother\'s business to know these types of things.

Connie: I don\'t really think it\'s any of your business.

OFF: I think that I will leave it there for now hopfully didn\'t go to far.

Lt Commander (Dr) Connie Morgan
Chief Medical Officer
USS Pacifica


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