USS Pacifica NCC-72545

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First Shift

Posted on Sun Nov 26th, 2006 @ 3:45pm by Lieutenant Commander Francine Hart

Mission: Escort
Location: Turbolift USS Pacifica


(Turbolift USS Pacifica)

Francine stepped through the open doors onto the turbolift as the doors closed behind her she turned around to face the manual cntrol panel of the elevator, she took a quick look over.

Francine: Bridge,

She was off to the bridge to do her first of hopfully heaps of shifts on the bridge of the Pacifica, she was rather nervous as this was going to be her first time manning the operations\' station, for real, she had worked with many simulations but she knew that it was nothing like the real thing. The doors of the turbolift opened and revealed the large bridge of the Pacifica, she noticed numerous crew at their stations, she only knew one face and that was of Commander Ottaway who was talking to the helmsman, she noticed a officer manning the centre seat she gathered that it was Commander Evans. He was talking to a girl who was sitting in the XO\'s chair.

Ottaway: Ahh Ensign welcome to the bridge,

Francine: ;;steps out of the lift;; Thank you sir.

The person who had been maning the operations station, got up and headed for the closest lift as Francine headed towards the station, she slowly slid in the the seat and studied the panel carefully taking not of where everything was. It was no different from any other that she had seen in the academy she knew she wouldn\'t have too much of a hard time settling into it.


Ensign Francine Hart
Operations Officer
USS Pacifica
Bravo Fleet

BF Stuff:


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