USS Pacifica NCC-72545

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Mother and Daughter

Posted on Sun Nov 26th, 2006 @ 3:47pm by Commander Connie Butterworth

Mission: Escort
Location: Sickbay USS Pacifica


~~~Sickbay USS Pacifica~~~

Connie had been talking to her mother for quite some time now, she looked at the time to find to her surprise that the past two hours had slid by her mother had noticed this to and got up from her chair.

Morgan: Where are you going?

Elizabeth: I must be off I have to meet up wih the rest of the team in about ten minutes.

Morgan: You do?

Elizabeth: Yeah do you want to catch up again later?

Morgan: Sure how about dinner,

Elizabeth: Sounds nice what time?

Morgan: Say about seven, crew lounge.

Elizabeth: Yep that would be good well I should be off see you tonight.

Morgan: Yeah

She watched her mother leave before she leaned back in her chair and sighed she knew this was going to be to quite a long trip especially for her, hopfully her mother wasn\'t going to be able to spend too much time with her with all the work she had to do.


Lt Commander (Dr) Connie Morgan
Chief Medical Officer
USS Pacifica


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