USS Pacifica NCC-72545

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Valid Concerns

Posted on Sun Nov 26th, 2006 @ 4:19pm by Commander Evan Ottaway

Mission: Escort
Location: Bridge USS Pacifica


Evan was starting to get worried. If something didn\'t happen quickly the ship
was going to be blown to pieces.

Evan: Mr Johnson, increase speed to full impulse.

Johnson: We already are sir.

Damn. There goes that idea. He didn\'t know what to do except go to warp but that was risky. He hoped that Evans thought of something.

Luke: Any ideas Cmdr?

Evan looked at Evans and saw that he was scared #$@%less. So much for that.

Evan: I\'m thinking.

The ship shuddered again. They were getting pounded.

Mel\'pek: Shields down to 34% sir.

Luke: Fire at those small ships, we might still have some chance left.

Mel\'pek: Three torpedos fired at each one sir.

Luke: Put it on screen.

Evan watched as nine protons headed for the three small ships. As they got closer the nine split into three groups and headed for different ships. Evan watched as the first three hit. It didn\'t look good for the ships. One torpedo did some sizeable damage. Evan kept watcheing as the other two hit their targets. One of the ships blew up. The crew on the bridge cheered.

Luke: Well done Mr Mel\'pek.

Francine: Sir the other two ships are trying to get away.

Luke: Let them be we have more important things to worry about.

Evan noticed that something was blipping on Francine screen. When she saw it she looked worried.

Evan: Ms Hart, what is wrong.

Francine: SIr, three ships are coming out of warp. They are pretty big.

Luke: On screen.

Evan looked in horror as he saw the three krazzle ships that they had previously encountered come out of warp.

Luke: Mr Johnson, I don\'t care where we have to go just get us out of here.

Johnson: I would sir but something is wrong with our warp drive. Its unstable. I don\'t want to risk it.

Luke: And I don\'t want to be blown to a million pieces. I don\'t care about the warp engine, inform Mr Kirkwood and get us the $#@#&* out of here.

Johnson: Yes sir.

Evan watched as Lt Johnson tried to send the Pacifica to warp. A message from the engineer came.

Kirkwood: Sir its going to take us a few minutes to fix that drive. You\'ll have to survive until then.

Tag anyone?

Cmdr Evan Ottaway
Acting XO
USS Pacifica


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