USS Pacifica NCC-72545

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Fixing the Drive

Posted on Sun Nov 26th, 2006 @ 4:19pm by Lieutenant Commander Mark Kirkwood

Mission: Escort
Location: Main Engineering


Kirkwood rushed back to the engineering after he felt the ship being hit then
all of a sudden alarm starting to got off as he got near to engineering.
Kirkwood went staight to the main display and looked at the read out on the warp
Kirkwood saw on the main read out that the bridge was tring to take the ship to

Kirkwood: ~~~To bridge~~~ Sir you can not go to warp until we fix the warp
drive until them you just going to have to survive.

Kirkwood started looking at the warp drive. It wasn\'t too much of a
complication to fix.

~~~Three minutes later~~~

Kirkwood: ~~~To bridge~~~ Sir we are ready to go to warp.


Lt(jg)Mark Kirkwood
Chief of Engineering
USS Pacifica


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