USS Pacifica NCC-72545

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Into the Frying Pan

Posted on Sun Nov 26th, 2006 @ 4:20pm by 2nd Lieutenant Su\'rek

Mission: Escort
Location: Shuttlecraft


< Type-IX Shuttle >

Su\'rek dropped his shuttle out of warp about 100,000 km away from the
Pacifica. He looked in horror at the battle that was going on.

Su\'rek: Computer, open a channel to the Pacifica.

Computer: Channel open.

Su\'rek: USS Pacifica, this is Second Lieutenant Surrek, Marine Executive

Ops: We\'re a little busy over here Lieutenant. Keep a safe distance from the
battle zone and we will pick you up when we\'re done.

Su\'rek: Understood. Su\'rek out.

Surek flew the shuttle to a nearby asteroid and hid behind it.

OFF: Hey everyone!

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2 Lieutenant Su\'rek
Marine Executive Officer
USS Pacifica


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