USS Pacifica NCC-72545

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Staying Put

Posted on Sun Nov 26th, 2006 @ 4:20pm by Commander Luke Evans

Mission: Escort
Location: Bridge USS Pacifica

The Pacifica rocked hard as she was hit by wave after wave of weapons fire

Evan: Mr Johnson get us out of here

Johnson: Yes sir

Evans: Neglect that order Bring us about

Ottaway: Sir are you out of your mind

Luke spun around and exchanged a clance at evan, evan then sat down in his chair as the pacifica spun around and headed straight into the enemy ships

Evans: Mr. Melpek target all weapons on that Romulan Ship fire on my mark

Melpek: Standing by

Evans: .... Fire

The Pacifica opened a barrage of weapons fire on the romulan ship causing it to retreat and go to warp.

Evans: Mr. Melpek target the closet Krazzles ships life support ready on Phasers set to modulating frequencies

Melpek: Standing by

Evans: wait for it, wait for it.... NOW FIRE

The Pacifica went straight over the Krazzle ship with the first three shots having no effect but the fourth went right through the ships shileds and disabling life support

Evans: Helm bring us about. aim for the middle of those two krazzle ships

Johnson: Sir

Evans: Do it

The Pacifica spun around one more time and headed straight for the Krazzle ships

Evans: Mr. Melpek you have about 30 seconds to disable there shields do it

Melpek: Yes sir

Evans: As soon as we get between those ships take us to maximum warp

Johnson: But sir


Melpek: Sir there shields are down and so are ours

Evans: Good thing we have that armour ;;to himself;;

Melpek: Sir the armour on the port side is losing intergrity

the bridge is rocked by an explosion as a crew member goes flying through the air

As the Pacifica gets in between the two krazzle ships, the two ships go to fire and as they fire the pacifica goes to warp and the two ships end up hitting each other with there own weapons fire

Ottaway: ;;putting a hand on lukes shoulder;; sometimes i envy you

Luke: How we going

Melpek: 1 enemy ship destroyed 4 heavily damaged

Evans: What about us

Melpek: Where do i start


TAG: anyone

Cmdr Luke Evans
Acting CO USS Pacifica


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