USS Pacifica NCC-72545

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Stopping for a Pickup

Posted on Sun Nov 26th, 2006 @ 4:27pm by Captain Daniel Butterworth

Mission: Escort
Location: Bridge USS Pacifica

I\'m not going to try and fix this problem until my character comes back from
LOA but I\'m going to handle one thing now. This following post will be in a
helmsmans pov Ens Smith we will call him plain yet simple.


~~~~Bridge USS Pacifica~~~~

Ensign Smith brought the Pacifica out of warp and began to bring the ship to
a full stop. He was in charge of the helm as Lt Johnson was in a briefing
with the other members of the senior crew. He had orders to stop the ship
and to wait for a shuttlecraft then to get the ship back to warp he didn\'t
like the idea of sitting about.

He had only been waiting for a few minutes when a shuttle appeared on the
sensor screen it was federation the shuttle was hailing, the officer who was
manning the operations station cleared the shuttle for docking as Ensign
Smith replotted the course.

As soon as the shuttle was safly in the Pacifica\'s shuttlebay Smith
reengaged the engines.

OFF: Not really a post just had to get our Marine XO onboard the ship.

Commodore Daniel Butterworth
Commanding Officer
USS Pacifica NCC-72545


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