USS Pacifica NCC-72545

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Missing XO

Posted on Sun Nov 26th, 2006 @ 4:28pm by 2nd Lieutenant Su\'rek

Mission: Escort
Location: USS Pacifica


< Shuttle Bay >

Su\'rek landed the shuttle and walked out, carrying his bag with clothing and
personal items. He made his way to his quarters and quickly settled in
before reporting to the Marine CO.

MCO: Welcome aboard. I\'m afraid you\'ll have to wait to be formally welcomed.
We have an awall crewmember roaming around the ship with a weapon...
Commander Luke Evans

Su\'rek: I assume he or she has taken steps to hide from the sensors or you
would have found them by now.

MCO: Correct. Consider this your first assignment. Take what you need and
apprehend him.

Su\'rek: Very well.

MCO: Good luck.

With that, Su\'rek went to the armoury and retrieved a phaser rifle, hand
phaser, tricorder and armour-plated clothing. He began walking up and down
the halls, scanning for the slightest hint of a life-form. After pacing the
ship for about an hour, he began crawling through the Jerries Tubes.

< Several hours later >

Su\'rek stopped to rest for a while. He was exhaused from crawling around
non-stop. He tried tweaking his tricorder to scan for heat patterns given
off from humanoid life-forms. IT WORKED! He picked up a life form crawling
around on the deck above him. He quickly git up and crawled to the above
deck. He could hear someone crawling around and breathing heavily. He
followed the sound around several corners until he could see the back end of
Commander Luke Evans.

Su\'rek: Commander Evans! Stop!

Luke continued to crawl, trying to get away but Su\'rek\'s superior agility
was no match for him. He quickly caught up to him and grabbed his ankle.
Commander Evans turned around and shot at Su\'rek, hitting him in the arm and
causing him to let go. Su\'rek grabbed his phaser and shot back, stunning
Luke, rendering him unconscious.

Su\'rek: ::tapps:: =/\\= Su\'rek to Security, I have aprehended Commander Evans
in the jeffries tube adjacent to Deck 16, section 12. Please take him to the

Security: Understood.


2Lt Su\'rek
Marine XO
USS Pacifica


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